Chiu Kwong Chiu

Upon returning to Hong Kong from his studies in France, Chiu has been actively involved in the field of art, design, education and commentaries. With a passion in traditional Chinese art and architecture, the cross-cultural consultant is also keen on using computer graphics to explore the boundaries of Chinese traditional visual art and to adopt groundbreaking ways to cultivate interests in Chinese culture. In 2001, Chiu founded the Design and Cultural Studies Workshop. Chiu and members of the workshop strive to reconstruct the ecological chain of Chinese culture through educational promotion and design implementation and integrate Chinese culture into global culture to share with the rest of the world.
Upon returning to Hong Kong from his studies in France, Chiu has been actively involved in the field of art, design, education and commentaries. With a passion in traditional Chinese art and architecture, the cross-cultural consultant is also keen on using computer graphics to explore the boundaries of Chinese traditional visual art and to adopt groundbreaking ways to cultivate interests in Chinese culture. In 2001, Chiu founded the Design and Cultural Studies Workshop. Chiu and members of the workshop strive to reconstruct the ecological chain of Chinese culture through educational promotion and design implementation and integrate Chinese culture into global culture to share with the rest of the world.

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Traditional Chinese culture at a glance

Balancing between extravagant décor, royal grandeur and social hierarchy, the Forbidden City is a cornucopia of Chinese classical antiquity. Hong Kong, albeit as an ultra-modern city, has an unimaginable wealth of cultural history. Hollywood Road, home to Tai Kwun and Man Mo Temple, is a vivid reminder of Hong Kong’s heritage. In this exhibition, the image of the front part of The Garden of the Palace of Tranquil Longevity in the Forbidden City, also commonly known as the Qianlong Garden, and Hollywood Road in the heart of Hong Kong are displayed alongside the video tour. Visitors can catch a glimpse of the giant palace and discover more about local heritage.

Where East & West, Tradition & Innovation, Craftsmanship & Technology Synergise.

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